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“I met Beyonce while working with Kanye and Jay out in London and Australia on the Watch The Throne album.  Creatively we bonded and she loved my work. That led to her asking me to fly out to New York at the top of the year to work on her album with her.  January 2nd of 2011 I got that call to fly out to work with Bey.  


My co-producer Caleb McCampbell and I went out there and created about 4-5 songs with Bey and “Best Thing I Never Had” was one of the ones that stuck. Then my fam Shea Taylor (who was lead producer on “4″) came in and polished the record up and it became Beyonce’s 2nd single from her album.”


“I can definitely say she’s already got a few joints from me for her new project.  However, I’m not sure of her direction or where she’s trying to take it creatively this go round.  Guess no one will really know till it drops (laughs).”

Read more: http://thatgrapejuice.net/2013/01/exclusive-symbolyc-dishes-beyonce-album/#ixzz2erYSHiXV


"she's pretty much done recording. she just has some great songs she love

but she didnn't like production on.

so she pass me like 5~6 sessions to re-do and best thing I never had happend to be one of session.

so me and my one of producer Caleb McCampbell, we got in, she was in her room, we were in our room. we were just worked on this session.

we had all of her vocals and we just built the stuff from scratch to the vocals she had.

and she was just come in to room, listen to stuff, she was like try this try this.

then she go back to her troom working on her stuff.

and shea taylor who was also there doing some work with heat, he did some post production stuff on it. ~ when we were't there.

me personerly that one even not my favorite, I thought other songs would make it.

we did 6song with her.






